The Dutch Scientific Climate Council has issued an essential advisory report! (interview RTL-Nieuws)

The Dutch Scientific Climate Council (Wetenschappelijke Klimaatraad (WKR)) has issued an essential advisory report: it’s time for the Netherlands to take active measures to remove CO2 from the atmosphere in order to stay below 1.5 degrees of warming.

At SeaO2, we believe that Direct Ocean Capture (DOC) is one of the most effective solutions to tackle this challenge. DOC technology allows us to capture CO2 from the ocean and indirectly from the air and store it permanently, providing a powerful tool in the fight against climate change.

Our CTO & Co-founder, Dr. Rose (rezvan) Sharifian, shared her insights with RTL Nieuws (Heleen Ekker), emphasizing the urgency of our mission. Catch the full interview with Rose Sharifian on RTL4 to learn more about how SeaO2 is making strides in carbon capture and how we contribute to a more sustainable future.

Link to report WKR: Link

Link to news item RTL-Nieuws (16:09): Link

Link to news item RTL-Z (00:45): Link

#DirectOceanCapture #DOC hashtag #Sustainability #SeaO2 #ClimateAction


SeaO2 in the NRC Newspaper


SeaO2 pakt het klimaatprobleem aan door CO2 uit zeewater te vissen